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How to Choose the Right Plants for your Garden!

Do you want a garden but have little time and space? A green corner is possible, just choose the species according to their profile and environmental conditions. Want to learn how to choose the proper plants for your garden then read this article at the end. Here i mention some of the most important points when selecting plants for your garden.

What’s your style?

Defining your garden’s objective is usually the first step, which even precedes choosing the plants. The ideal is to design a garden space that matches your home, your lifestyle, the availability you will have for gardening itself, and, of course, your personal tastes.

Would you like to have a garden covered with flowers of a thousand and one colors? Or do you prefer ornamental plants? Do you like the idea of ​​growing a small vegetable or herb garden?

If flowers are your true passion, know how to distinguish between annual flowers – they will have to be planted every year, but they bloom practically all summer. And the perennial flowers – the flowering time is shorter, but they “burst” every year without needing a new planting.

Variety is a strength and even a good thing to do, but if you are new to gardening, start with a small garden.


Assess the available space and create the boundaries of your future garden. Preferably out of places with heavy human traffic or very close to the space where children play. It’s also better that it’s not easily accessible to pets.

Spend some time observing the hours of sun and shade that bathes this space. This information is crucial to know what kind of plants and/or flowers you can plant there. Don’t forget that most vegetables need six hours of sunlight every day! But if you find that there is more shade than sun, don’t despair, as there are several species that prefer shaded places!

Shade still brings with it some advantages: the flora needs less water, resists lower temperatures and will probably have fewer problems with the appearance of weeds and pests.

The quality of the soil is fundamental, as this is the true sustenance of any garden! There are several kits for soil analysis and you only need to use one of them to ensure that yours is in perfect health and ready to receive new leafy plants.


Plants react differently depending on the temperature they are exposed to. If the heat causes some to bloom, it can be disastrous for others. With regard to cold, the reasoning is the same. Be aware of the specifics of the plants you would like to include in your garden. And try to give preference to local or national plants so as not to suffer a big disappointment.


A colorful garden is a treat for the eyes, but for those who take their first steps in this still unknown territory, it is advisable to use two or three colors at the most. Be inspired by the environment that will surround your garden, remembering the different plants you want to combine, and also remembering that each one has different tones in its parts (stem, flower, leaves and fruits). Combine the colors of your garden as you would in your home decor, for example.

In terms of visual effect, the warm colors (such as yellow, orange and red) give the garden a sumptuous and cozy appearance; on the other hand, the cool colors (blue, lilac and purple) make the garden seem bigger than it really is and, for that reason, it is a good tip for those with limited space.

Having chosen the colors, let yourself be carried away by the incredible sizes, shapes and textures that many plants have. In addition to the tones, a garden setting can be completed thanks to the diversity achieved with plants with bright or elaborate foliage. Use your imagination {and advice from those who know!} for unique combinations.

Quantity x Quality:

The smaller a garden, the fewer plants and flowers you will need, so you don’t run the risk of making a big mess! Therefore, for a reduced space, choose two or three varieties, acquiring three copies of each, which is already nine plants. If you’re seeking some of the best plants for your garden, Anthurium crystallinums are a good choice. Anthurium crystallinums are easy to grow and a great addition to your home.

For larger spaces, pay attention to the width (current or what will reach) of each plant before deciding how many to take. If you want a garden with an immediate impact, that is, grown and full in the first year, you will have to put the stakes closer together or buy bigger plants. If you’re not in a hurry, let the plants grow as they please, filling the “voids” with annual flowers if you like.

Seeds x Seedlings:

Another decision you will have to make when choosing your plants is whether to plant them with seeds or seedlings. The seed process takes longer in terms of the final result, but it has all the necessary instructions (the best time to sow, at what depth, with what spacing…) . and It is an excellent method if you want to plant sunflowers or lettuce.

For faster growth and a seemingly ready garden, seedlings are more suitable. And the younger the better, as they tend to adapt very well to new territories.


It is well known that spring is the time, par excellence, to plant whatever it is, followed by a summer marked by a lot of watering and cleaning work (to remove weeds).
However, be aware that autumn is ripe for planting trees, shrubs, bulbs, and some types of perennials. Tomatoes and most annual flowers hate the cold, so they should only be planted when the temperature warms up!

The Most Suitable Plants for Shady Houses:

Shaded areas, whether they are half-shade or shade, require tact in the choice of species so that the combination of flowers and foliage is possible.

Most ornamental species, especially flowering ones, need at least 4 hours of sun per day. Others claim that the minimum to be considered full sun is 6 hours. Controversies aside, the choice of plants ends up being a step that requires caution. It is important to understand the concepts of luminosity in the garden.

A location considered to be a shaded area receives only indirect light throughout the day. A half-shade location, on the other hand, does not receive the sun between 10 am and 4 pm, or receives slightly diffused light filtered through the canopy of trees.

Luminosity is one of the factors that should govern the technical scope when choosing the species. There is no such thing as a miracle. Growing a species inappropriately will harm the project, increasing its maintenance cost, as well as maximizing the chances of having the development of the garden at home harmed and even losing the plants.

Pay attention to the origin of the species you purchase. Evaluating your supplier or the place where you buy them. The ideal is to be able to mix the choice of foliage and flowering species, which adorn each other, and which have harmony of nuances, hues and shapes, forming a beautiful garden at home.

Among the flowering species for evening primrose shade (Primula obconica). It has the advantage of being found in several colors and being very durable for the garden at home. Bromeliads – vriseas, guzmanias and bilbergias – with their showy inflorescences are also ideal for splashes of color in shady spaces. Ferns, marantas, calateas, tinhorão are foliage widely used for shade and half-shade.

The Final Choice:

Are you about to make the final decision about the plants that will give life to your garden? Before leaving with everything, carefully read the label that normally accompanies each plant.

It contains useful information regarding the name, the amount of sun exposure and water you need, the ideal temperature and the complete size that the plant will reach. And try to follow the recommendations, if not, so much planning will have been useless.

Did you know that there are some varieties of plants and flowers (eg marigold) that are resistant to insects, disease, and drought? Flora that is healthy to give and sell and that does not require the use of sprays and other harmful chemicals – all the more reason to pay attention to labels!

Above all, choose plants from garden centers Buffalo NY that you like. After all, it’s always more motivating to take care of something you’re passionate about! And if there’s one thing that’s exciting, it’s taking care of the garden!

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