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WordPress Premium GPL Club Content – A Guide

You have ever taken the time to read the ‘License.txt’ file that comes with your WordPress installation. Because you’re probably not alone. You must be properly familiar with software licenses. Ah, we go there, something you know a little bit about. Most of the software you need to buy for legal use or ownership. WordPress is a little different. It is built on gnu WordPress GPL club which means you are able to give it to whomever you want… Free! Indeed, it is on license:

Copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty clearly and appropriately in each copy; Keep intact all notifications that this license and any warranty are specified for absence and give a copy of this license with the program to any other recipient of the program. ”
WordPress’s codebase is maintained by a group of coders who are not only developers but also users of WordPress.

You can even contribute to making WordPress better by detecting bugs on the track ( and need a login). The same people who help identify bugs and problems with WordPress also develop the same people who are plugin and the theme you are using, I include. Most of these plugins are free and available for use under the same WordPress GPL club. But you may know that sometimes you will stumble on the ‘premium theme’ or ‘premium plugin’. These are not usually free additions to WordPress and come in various costs and effectiveness.

There are some open-source fans who think the content paid for a free platform is not right, and there are others who welcome the idea of adding a payment to free products. I will give you some good and bad sides of both of them.

The Free Philosophy

Free good rights for most people? In an open-source community, most people simply assume that the software will be licensed as free and open. Not to definite, who doesn’t choose that price point, free! Like any free product, you have to hope you may find some delay in publishing bug detection and corrections. Free is good for developers because it spans. Usually, a much larger user base encourages people to try their products since there is no cost of doing so. As a user, free of charge is the desired reason, well, no cost! No cost allows the user to check and expand their site without any commitment.

You can then ask what are the free content falls. As mentioned, development is a major factor in the life cycle as most of these developers have full-time work outside this initiative. You can get ads, or ‘Nagas’ to donate. Although they offer an income incentive to the developer. They are not guaranteed, so I still consider them free. Those who develop free content their expanding section slated to host their plugins and themes for free.

Premium View

The answer is quite clear, it’s profitable. If you develop a plugin or theme that meets the demands of a large user base and market share at a significantly lower cost, you will probably make a lot of money. Premium/paid plugins and themes usually get a larger support community built around them and their developers and designers make more time and effort to maintain them because they are paying. It’s basically their full-time job. Not to say that developers who give their content freely do not give great support.

But when it comes down to the bare bones of the fact that there is less enthusiasm… Developers also have to make money. Premium plugins and themes will usually have a much big array of options and settings to expand your site.
Usually premium content is not available on the WordPress GPL club in their stretch area because here, you can freely download distribution plugins and themes. Developers and designers must host it themselves, or with any other resources that provide their ability to protect wealth.

My Thoughts

Do I use paid plugins or themes? This is not the answer. I don’t have any plugins or themes that I’ve provided in use. My thoughts are that people who are not familiar with the coding of themes or how a plugin works but just want something to work on may want to look at premium themes or plugins. If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty a little, you can use free themes and plugins, and change their code to meet your needs. It is not for the ambiguity of the heart and can have some adverse effects.

Premium theme or plugin

Simply put, I can usually change a theme or plugin to meet my needs. But it’s not worth saying that if I must have a premium theme or plugin. I won’t be doing some cash cheese up for it. It’s better to think of your WordPress site in the same way as your smartphone. If the product is something you will use every day and “can’t live without” what is the problem with throwing a few bucks at the developer? Weather It pays for or donates to the app/plugin, the developer will appreciate it (full disclosure, there is a “donation” button on my plugin page, but I don’t expect to use it).

Whatever you need for your site. I think you might find a free plugin or theme that will fill it. But if you want great support with a product that has a better chance of being updated more frequently. You might want to see a payment solution. Again, it is not to say that a free add-on developer will not support their product but if you think about it, the odds are only on your side.

Chris is a WordPress plugin developer and open source advocate who writes about WordPress tips, Adsense tips, and how to boost your blog’s potential

How to install WordPress in 1 day

WordPress has become one of the most popular blog publishing systems used on the internet today. WordPress was designed and is currently maintained by the open-source community. It is distributed free of cost under the GNU General Public License.

In this post, I will explain how to install WordPress using Fantastico, an application that will automatically install WordPress in 5 minutes. From selecting hosting companies to publishing your blog, I will try to cover all the details you need to know. Let’s start.


How to install WordPress in 1 day
How to install WordPress in 1 day

Find an affordable hosting company

If you don’t currently use a hosting company. I suggest you find one that has a responsive technical support team. One that provides the Cpanel (I will explain), and a hosting company that is affordable.

What is A CPanel?

CPanel (Control Panel) is a web-based application that makes website administration very easy. Several years ago, I remember hosting with a company that did not provide a control panel for its customers. I had to call for technical support for everything including minor requests. The CPanel will allow you to take care of those minor tasks and even change to any server settings if necessary.

Find a hosting company

Find an affordable hosting company that supplies seapanels. Here are some suggestions:

1. Hostgator

Seapanel/Fantastico/as low as $6.95 per month

2. Lunarpage

Seapanel/Fantastico/as low as $6.95 per month

Register a domain name

I recommend because of its cheap domain registration service. You can register a domain name for $8.95.

Register your domain name with your hosting company

If you register with GoDaddy, they will be the registrar son of your domain name on record. After signing up with a hosting company, you need to change the registrar to your new hosting company on record for your domain name (GoDaddy). Use the panel to change the registrar to the record.

Sometimes a hosting company will provide free domain registration specials to new customers. Take advantage of these offers. If you want to register your domain with your hosting company, your hosting company will be registered in the record.

MySQL Database

MySQL is an open-source database that is included with your hosting membership. WordPress stores data in MySQL database (blog entries, comments, archives, etc.). Set up a MySQL database before installing WordPress.  WordPress GPL club will prompt you to create one before you proceed with the installation.

Installing WordPress

Now the fun begins! Installing the WordPress GPL club while using Fantastico is quick and easy.

Follow these steps:

1. Go to The Seapanel

2. Click on “Fantastico” (Fantastico will automatically install applications like WordPress, Joomla, Shopping Cart, Forum, etc.)

3. In left navigation under “Blog”, click WordPress and follow instructions

4. After the installation is completed, you will see a view site link. Clicking on the link will take you to the WordPress admin login screen

5. Use the username and password you created during installation to login


Log in to WordPress using the admin password and username you created on WordPress.

Enter your first blog entry

Follow these steps to publish your first blog entry:

1. Nav from above, click Enter

2. Click Post

3. Enter a title for your blog

4. Type your blog entry in the “Post” field

5. Click Save

6. Click Publish

7. Click “View Site” to view your post


That’s all. You have successfully installed the WordPress GPL club under your own domain name and published your first blog entry. Next time in the “WordPress How-to” series, I’ll cover advanced issues including how to install templates, how to install plugins, explain pings, and how to optimize WordPress for search engines.

Can you read more: Headless WordPress for New Generation Websites

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