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App DevelopmentComputers and Technology

Why React Native has become the Winning Choice for mobile apps?

Often it happens that companies and businesses want to dwell into the field of cross platform app development. Because of the numerous features and functions that this technology brings to the table, to leverage these features companies look forward to using cross platform app development Technologies. In the market of cross platform app development, there are many technologies that programmers and developers develop apps in the most effective and efficient way possible. In this article, we are going to have a look at such a technology that promises to provide us with future proofing opportunities. This technology react native. develop my Facebook it is a cross platform app development technology that has been driving on technology such as flutter since the dawn of time.


Let’s have a look at why react native has become a burning choice for mobile app development.

Why use React Native for Mobile Apps?

1. Cross platform Development:

React native provides the most efficient way to develop cross-platform apps. Due to this nature, it is possible for businesses and organizations to look forward to development of cross platform apps. This technology imparts cross-platform capabilities to apps that run effectively and efficiently on multiple platforms such as Android and IOS. Using this technology developers and programmers can create effective and efficient apps that are not only code compliant but also backward compatible with device operating systems such as Android and IOS. These apps developed by using this platform run effectively and efficiently and consume less space memory for execution.


2. Single Code base

React Native uses the concept of a single code base in order to develop cross platform apps that run on mobile operating systems such as Android and IOS. The single code base concept enables developers and programmers, to make changes and to improve using a single file system or codebase system, that are able to deploy apps on these mobile platforms effectively and efficiently. Because of this nature, developers and programmers only have to concentrate on managing a single code base system to create two apps that are similar to each other, and thus it provides the same level of performance as native apps.


3. Lesser time for development

When developers and programmers use the single code base concept provided by react native in order to develop apps, they have to put in less effort and overall less time is needed to develop the app. because of this nature, the overall time consumed to develop a particular app using react native is reduced drastically up to 40%. This increases the time to market the app thus creating and producing a minimum viable product for the users to explore.


4. Less Cost associated with Development

As less time is required to develop the app, this leads to lesser cost for the app development efforts that are put in by developers and programmers. Because of this, the overall cost associated with app development is reduced drastically and efficiently. developers can pay attention to other areas of the APP such as coming up with the minimum viable product, and putting effort into the marketing of the app so that the users and consumers are aware of the app. 


5. Easy to learn and use

React native easy to learn and implement. Anyone having prior experience in app development can easily master and learn react native and can create cross platform apps right from day one. This enables app developers to quickly master the concepts swiftly and put them to good use in app development. The syntax used by react native is simple and easy to understand by providing the code but enough readability for developers and programmers to work in a team to produce an app. 


6. Great Community Support

React-native offers great community support to budding developers and programmers. This provides a platform for emerging developers to post their queries and think about react native app development and get their queries solved almost swiftly and efficiently.

whatever queries and questions that developers have, they can post their queries and questions in the forums, and other developers can answer these questions to provide a resolution. This helps developers to create Apps that are not only efficient but they also provide a way to master react-native easily and efficiently. If you are willing to build your app then you can Hire React Native Developer from Nimap Infotech.


7. Creation of apps offering close to Native performance

React native provides a way to create Apps that are not only cross platform compatible but also offer close to native like APP performance on many devices. This enables a huge amount of possibilities for developers and programmers to come close to native like APP performance for different users. Because of this nature, users are able to enjoy native like APP performance without encountering any kind of difference when running the app on their devices. 


So you see because of the above reasons it is evident that react native has become our winning choice for mobile app developers and programmers alike. Hope you like this blog on Why to use React Native for Mobile Apps.

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