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Best Time To Travel Maldives

Best Time To Travel Maldives

With white sand beaches, warm turquoise waters, coral reefs, incredible marine fauna and lush vegetation, the Maldives is always a destination to consider for a relaxing beachfront vacation, but when to go to the Maldives? What is the best time to travel to Maldives?

When to travel to Maldives? The weather

Best Time To Travel Maldives

The Maldives is an archipelago of 1,200 islands, located south of Sri Lanka and India in the middle of the Indian Ocean, which enjoys a moderate tropical climate. Of the 1,200 islands, only a few are inhabited or have tourist infrastructures or hotels. From your island of stay, you can always make excursions to desert islands to spend an unrepeatable day or even enjoy an incredible romantic meal with your partner with a private chef. The temperature in the Maldives is warm and constant throughout the year. With an average of between 6 and 8 hours of sunshine a day, the temperature ranges between 26 and 31ºC, while the seawater is between 27 and 29 degrees. Despite this, there are two distinct seasons: dry and rainy.

Winter monsoon or dry season

Best Time To Travel Maldives

During the months of November and April, the dry monsoon moves from the northwest and the dry season begins, the “coldest” in the country. We put it in quotes because the temperatures during these months are between 26 and 29ºC, without getting really cold but with less heat than they are used to endure in this country. This is the reason why the dry season is the high season, with Christmas being the most expensive period to go to the  Maldives.

Summer monsoon or rainy season

Best Time To Travel Maldives

From May to October, the wet mozón reaches the Maldives, causing numerous precipitations and inaugurating the rainy season. As is usual in tropical countries, the rains develop in the afternoon and are of short duration. At this time of year the temperatures are high and humidity is very present.

What is the best time to travel to Maldives?

Best Time To Travel Maldives

Do you think there is a better time than another to travel to paradise? Right not? Well, this is what happens in the Maldives. Its temperatures are so pleasant throughout the year that any date is a good time to take a trip to the Maldives . However, depending on what you plan to do on these islands, it may be more appropriate for you to lean towards certain dates or others, so here are some tips for you to decide the best time to travel to the Maldives.

Travel to Maldives in the dry season to enjoy the sun at the resorts

Best Time To Travel Maldives

As we have mentioned, during the dry season there is less possibility of rain and a greater number of hours of sunshine, which means that this is the best time of year for tourists who want to travel to the Maldives to enjoy the sun at the resorts and practice. water activities. Now this has a clear handicap: there are many more people.

Travel to Maldives to relax and benefit from the offers: the wet season

Best Time To Travel Maldives

The rainy season is also a good time for those fleeing the crowds and looking for the best deals on trips to the Maldives . There are very few people and you can be quiet all morning on the beach and shelter from the rains in the afternoon at the hotel enjoying all its services.

Surfing in the Maldives : between March / October or June and August

Best Time To Travel Maldives

On the other hand, if you want to surf in the Maldives, it is best that you opt for the months of March / October or June and August, which is when the waves are usually bigger and you can test your mastery of the board.

Diving in the Maldives: wet season

Best Time To Travel Maldives

Diving in the Maldives, whether with snorkeling or scuba diving equipment, is a unique experience given the large number of marine species that you can observe whatever time of year it is. However, in the months of October and November is when whale sharks and manta rays appear and during the wet season the sea becomes almost completely transparent, which improves visibility. So if you want to dive in the Maldives, the wet season can be a good option.

Package tours to Maldives and other countries

Best Time To Travel Maldives

Many people take advantage of their trip to the Maldives to visit one of its neighboring countries, be it Sri Lanka, India, or Japan. In this case, we advise you to decide the time of year in which you want to travel based on the second destination, that is, Sri Lanka, India or Japan, and the cities you want to visit there. Why? Well, because really any time is good to enjoy the Maldives but these countries may be more appropriate to visit during a specific season. For example, Japan is beautiful during the fall and spring while the best time to travel to India is usually the cold/dry, from September to March, when the temperatures are milder.

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