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Corresponding Hair Tips To Your Hair Type

As we all are aware, each one of us comes with an individuality that is unmatchable- be it our physiological formation or psychological and emotional setup, despite sharing the same roots, we tend to be different. For instance, we all have skins yet each one is blessed with one of its kind. Isn’t it true and marvelous?  In parallel to this idea, you got to fathom that you all have different hair types that are peculiar to you and it makes sense to accordingly paddle your own canoe when it comes to taking care of them. So here we’ve enlisted some general guidelines to approach different types of hair with slightly variegated methods to live the joy of healthy and shiny hair. 

 First of all, you need to understand the types of hair. There are four hair types-

    • Straight
    • Wavy
    • Curly
    • Coily

These can further be differentiated based on many other factors, for instance, the tightness and looseness of each hair strand. Your hair type can also be a combination of the above types. For instance, your crown can have wavy hair while your mid-scalp region and your temples can have coily or curly hair type. The combinations can be endless, right? So, a wise choice has to be formulated to be able to reach the right hair care regimen for yourself, for which, a lot of observation, experimentation, and research is required on your behalf.

Rules for all hair types

    • Oiling– With gentle and relaxing finger movements on your scalp. Idea is to move the scalp’s skin. Pressure management is a must in this. Generally, people do swift and fast finger movements misinterpreting it as deep scalp conditioning. Your scalp needs a little relaxation and is not very fond of those unnecessary finger bangings and fuss!
    • Washing How frequent your hair washing should depend on your hair type and selecting a shampoo that is as naturally processed as possible is the manta. Parabens and Sulphates are the first disavowals!
    • Conditioning The rule for selecting the conditioners is also the same as discussed above for shampoos but if you’re looking for home rebounding resolution then there is a ubiquitous solution that goes with every hair type. Yes, ladies! And that is the all-new trending Olaplex 0 and Olaplex 3 hair treatment that works to re-strengthen your hair bonds at the molecular level.
    • Trimming You need to get rid of dead hair to promote healthy growth!
    • Save them from heat Try to dry them naturally and don’t unnecessarily  indulge in heating and styling rods. Save them from harmful UV rays!

1. Straight Hair Care 

    • Women with straight hair have oily scalps making the hair greased up therefore selecting the shampoo explicitly for your hair type is a must and washing frequently is a need.
    • Make sure you condition your hair with a light conditioner else they can make your hair heavy, weighing the strands downwards and giving them a dull look.
    • Leave-in-Conditioners are not for you.
    • Oiling with jojoba oil and coconut oil at least once a week will give your hair the constant nourishment needed.

2. Wavy Hair Care

    • Frequent washing is not required, once in three to four days is enough. 
    • Figure out your kind of hair shampoo for the best results.
    • Conditioning with every wash is important for you. You can also go for the leave-in conditioners.
    • Also, oil your hair every time you wash your scalp, it will give you the much-needed hydration as your hair type is towards the dry side. 

Pro Tip: In case you are exposing them to heat rods and curlers and they have damaged the hair bonds deeply then going for Olaplex home treatment is not a bad idea. It’ll give you an instant result and can be a perfect go-to during emergencies.

3. Curly Hair Care

    • Avoid excessive Shampooing and use the mildest ones.
    • The tangles and frizziness have to be treated with pre-shampoo hair mask therapy.
    • Use a wide and thick toothed brush.
    • Sleep with a very loose bun or ponytail that you can keep above your head to avoid friction which can be a reason for weak strands or other hair-related damage.
    • Olive, Castor, Jojoba, Sweet Almond, Argan, Avocado, Rose, Coconut, and other herbal oils like amla, bhringraj, and neem can be used for oiling curly hair.

4. Coily Hair Care

    • This hair type demands super extra hydration and nourishment therefore bubbles are not your friend but still you have to clean them and therefore select an oil-based cleanser.     
    • You need oiling at the hair tips so don’t unnecessarily indulge in this practice! For deep conditioning use keep yourself stocked with shea butter and thick oil like almond, olive, and argan oil.
    • Frizz is a natural part of this hair texture so embrace it and use it beautifully by styling them artfully!

Hoping that this brief hair care skimming guide from our side has sorted you for time being! Wishing you all happy hair 🙂  


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