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Integrative Health And Holistic Health Wellness

Holistic wellness to a way of life that considers a balance between mind, body, and spirit. Our culture has been geared towards a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle that has resulted in many illnesses and diseases. Health care costs are escalating because of advances in invasive surgery, pharmaceuticals, and fraudulent medicine. These practices have no place in an approach to healing. The discipline of Integrative Health is a new way of healing.

Integrative Health


Traditional medicine is defined as treating individual patient cases with little or no adherence to a specific medical system or treatment. This results in the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of conditions that typically respond well to a more holistic approach. Additionally, modern medicine frequently relies on the use of drugs, which inherently have wide-ranging negative impacts on the individual and society at large. Therefore, there has recently been a widespread trend to adopt the term integrative health that encompasses the broader frameworks in place which impact health and illness, which include occupational, psychological, environmental, and social values. The resulting approach is better able to identify the interactions that contribute to the well-being and identify those components that can be integrated into practice.

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Advantages Of Integrative Medicine


The primary emphasis on integrative health practice is on the whole person. The goal is to prevent the disease from establishing in a person’s body. The belief is that, if left alone, a pathogenic organism can over time become resistant to standard treatment and that once this happens it becomes very difficult or even impossible to eradicate. This view is contrary to the traditional perspective that disease only affects a “caseload” of patients and that any failure of treatment or remedy can and should be seen as a case of negligence on the part of the health care provider. Here are some advantages of Integrative Medicine:


  • Being Healing-Oriented. It starts with the presumption that there is a broken physiological equilibrium that contributes to illness and disease manifestations. This balance can be maintained and health encouraged by regaining the body’s normal state of equilibrium.
  • Focus On Mind, Body, And Spirit. The emphasis is on restoring equilibrium and recognizing variables that may influence the willingness of the patient to comply with guidelines such as cultural dietary restrictions or the failure to comply with an exercise regimen due to work commitments.
  • Emphasizing The Therapeutic Relationship. The integrative relationship directs and teaches patients on treatment choices. Together, the appropriate action plan is determined by the doctor and the patient. In chronic condition treatment, the focus is paid to reaching the patient as they are at the moment.
  • Personalized Medicine. Practitioners also scrutinize the literature using the scientific approach and test unconventional approaches in the same manner as conventional therapies while tailoring care strategies to specific needs. Integrative reviews are incredibly customized.
  • Using All Therapies.  Treatments appropriate for clinical study are recommended by most integrative providers. However, as long as the recommended solutions are known to be effective, patients are not dissuaded from using these procedures.


Integrative Medicine Practices


Some of the practices that are commonly associated with integrative health are multidisciplinary health care practice, naturopathy, energy medicine, homeopathy, alternative health, and integrative psychology. The primary focus of these health care practitioners is to encourage the maintenance of well-being through a comprehensive approach that utilizes many of the modalities often used by conventional medicine. This includes promotion of optimal nutrition and fitness, stress management, appropriate and safe exercise, use of natural herbal and nutritional supplements, adjustment of work and home environments, the use of meditation, yoga, hypnosis, biofeedback, and acupuncture. Here some common practices of Integrative Medicine:


  • Meditation
  • Music Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Dietary Supplements
  • Aromatherapy
  • Animal-Assisted Therapy
  • Acupuncture


Holistic Health Wellness


Many people question whether or not natural products or therapies can provide a cure for any ailment or condition. While natural products may not provide a “cure,” they can and should be used in conjunction with traditional Western medicine. The best way to find out if a therapy works for a particular ailment is to consult a licensed medical professional. If you choose to treat a condition or ailment using alternative medicine, you must be sure to get the opinion of a trained professional who practices holistic health or naturopathy. Only a doctor can make a proper diagnosis and offer a recommendation.


Some of the methods and types of treatment used in traditional medicine are not without controversy. One example is the use of immunizations. Many parents do not want their children to receive this measure in order to protect them from illness. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in and debate about the necessity of immunization for the young. While this debate continues, practitioners of integrative health therapies believe that immunizations are necessary and beneficial for most children.


Risk Of Integrative Medicine


There are no alternatives for traditional medical services for therapies promoted in integrative medicine. They can be used in combination with traditional medical care. For certain disorders or individuals, certain treatments and goods are not prescribed at all or not recommended. A helpful guide for investigating a treatment you’re considering is the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Wellbeing. Before doing anything new, it’s also important to speak with your health care professional.




The field of Integrative Health recognizes that humans are social beings with an orientation towards the community. Therefore, medical care that does not address the various needs of the individual will likely result in distress and, in some cases, even disease. Integrative health practices are based on the premise that there is a great deal of connection between the brain, the body, and the environment and that these interrelations are reflected in human behavior. There is a growing body of scientific evidence that supports this claim. This scientific evidence is used to support integrative health approaches by emphasizing the importance of dealing with the entire individual, rather than focusing on a narrow diagnosis or problem such as a particular disease or illness.

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