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Guide For Beginners, How To Learn Quran Online?

Now, the most frequently asked question that people on social media platforms have asked is “How to learn Quran online? At first, Online Quran Classes for Kids might seem quite a challenging task, especially when you don’t know how to read Arabic. You may feel that you will never be able to recite and memorize Holy Quran like the professionals you mostly see on the internet or on TV.

However, things have changed rapidly now. You or your kids can easily learn and memorize Holy Quran online. Not only you will learn how to read the Holy Quran, but you will also be able to excel in it.

There are many reliable websites and online platforms that help people learn Quran online. With the help of advanced technology, it has become easier for people to learn Quran Online with Tajweed and even memorize it.

How to Learn Quran Online – 7 Best Tips for Beginners

you can learn Quran online whenever you want, regardless of your age. Therefore, there is no need to hold yourself back by assuming yourself to be too old for it. To learn Quran online, many people install Quran learning apps. Reading the Quran from an app might be beneficial, but learning is not.

To effectively learn Quran online, you will need a qualified Quran teacher who will help you rectify your mistakes and answer your queries for better and fast learning. Some of the tips on how to learn the Quran online are:

  1. Show Active Participation in The Class

Whether you are taking your mathematics class or Quran class, students who participate actively in class tend to learn better and faster than those who are just silent listeners. So, if you want to learn Quran online, you must ask questions and have discussions on various topics. It will not only help you clear out all your doubts but will also expand your knowledge.

So, don’t hesitate to ask anything that you are unclear about. Also, complete your assignments on time and ask your Quran teacher to take tests or quizzes regularly.

  1. Learn Through Short Bursts of Time

According to many reports, learning through short sessions is much more beneficial than learning in longer sessions. So, the ideal Quran learning session should be of 30 to 40 minutes. However, if you want to Learn Quran with Tajweed, it may take a little longer than 30 to 40 minutes.

If the learning session is longer than 60 minutes, it will be difficult for your mind to take in so much information at one time. So, it is better to go for online Quran learning classes that are short yet effective.

  1. Take One Course at a Time

Nowadays, people have tons of options to choose from. When it comes to learning Quran, there are many Quran-related courses one can take. However, many people usually get overwhelmed and get themselves registered on multiple courses.

By choosing multiple courses simultaneously, you will not be able to focus on any of them fully and will end up learning nothing. So, it is better to avoid making the mistake of registering yourself or your kids on multiple courses.

Instead, before choosing the course, you must consider your current level. Suppose you are a beginner. In that case, you must begin with the Noorani Qaida to learn the basics of the Quran first. Later, you can get yourself registered for advanced-level courses such as learning Quran with Qirat and Tajweed.

Also, if you want to improve your recitation, go for the tajweed courses. Similarly, if you want to memorize Quran, go for a memorization program. However, trying to memorize Quran and Tafseer all at once will be hard for you, and you won’t be able to focus on either.

  1. Listen to The Recitation of The Quran Regularly

Many people have hectic work lives. So,  if you also have no time for Quran recitation, you can motivate yourself by listening to the Quran recitation regularly. The words in the Holy Quran are undoubtedly a blessing of Allah. Hearing the recitation of the Quran will not only give you mental peace but also provide you great benefits in terms of health, success, and relationships.

Also, if you want to learn Quran online fast, listening to the Quran recitation will help you learn and memorize the Quran.

  1. Be Patient

While learning Holy Quran, you will need to show a lot of patience. There is so much to learn, and rushing into things while learning the Quran will not be a good thing.  Everything will take its time. Maybe you will go through many difficult moments where you might say:

  • “Maybe it’s not for me. I cannot do it.”
  • “I am taking too much time, or it is too late for me to learn or memorize Quran now.”
  • “Maybe Allah has not chosen me yet to learn or memorize Quran.”

In these difficult moments, you will have to show a lot of patience, and things will get in your favor one fine day. Also, try to motivate yourself every time you feel like you are about to give up on learning or memorizing Quran.

Every time you feel demotivated, ask yourself a question “Will you prefer living in constant regret of not learning the Quran or memorizing it? It will be a difficult journey. However, in the end, it all will be worth it.

  1. Set Reminders

Do you know what the major benefit of learning the Quran online is? Time flexibility.  You can take your Quran classes anytime or anywhere by choosing the best online platform or academy. However, it is also easy to miss your online classes as no one will keep an eye on you.

Therefore, it is better to put your schedule on the calendar or set daily reminders so that you don’t miss your or your kids’ online Quran learning classes. By doing so, you will not miss your learning sessions ever. It is worth keeping in mind.  The more regular you are, the better and faster you will learn Quran.

  1. Actively Take Notes

Most of the time, people that are learning the Quran online take their mistakes for granted. They repeat their mistakes again and again. It is pretty normal to make mistakes. However, the problem arises when you don’t correct them immediately.

So, the best practice is to avoid repeating mistakes by noting them down on a piece of paper and working on them later.  Also, if you want to learn Quran online with Tajweed, you must note down all the important points and Tajweed rules for future reference.

You can also use your laptop or mobile for taking notes during your online Quran learning classes. By doing this, you will learn the Quran much faster and, of course, the better. However, using pen and paper will help you learn more and comprehend better.


Learning or memorizing Holy Quran is a blessing. It will help you relieve your anxiety and provide many benefits in terms of health and success. Nothing is better than learning the Holy Quran and implementing its teachings in your daily life. Nowadays, busy routines and increased tuition fees are hindering you and your kids from acquiring Islamic and Quranic knowledge.

However, many reputable online Quran learning platforms have made it easier for parents to give their children the Quranic knowledge they need to succeed in their lives. Especially, it is undoubtedly a blessing for Muslims residing in foreign countries who want their children to remain steadfast in Islamic teachings and principles. Online learning is the best and safest choice for your kids to learn and memorize Quran.

So, find yourself a reliable Quran learning platform and learn Quran online with Tajweed.

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