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All You Need To Know About Prenatal Vitamins

A little different from multivitamins, prenatal vitamins are essential for pregnant women. If you are a soon-to-be mommy or have been planning on becoming so, you can consider prenatal vitamins since it is beneficial for pregnant women. However, you must talk to your doctor before taking any prenatal vitamin supplement.

As much as we would love to say that prenatal vitamins are essential for everyone, it is most beneficial for pregnant women. But when you look for any prenatal vitamins at a shop, always ensure that your prenatal vitamin supplement provides all the necessary things to your body. For example, since the best prenatal vitamins provide iron and folic acid, you need to ensure your prenatal supplement provides those to your body. But if you want to know more about this, do not worry. Our article will provide you with every small detail about Prenatal vitamins.

What are Prenatal Vitamins?

What are prenatal vitamins? You might wonder about this question. As we have mentioned above, prenatal vitamins are beneficial for pregnant women. So, prenatal vitamins are the vitamins that are specially made for pregnant women. Taking the right supplement at the right time can help you to have a smooth pregnancy. Not only that, prenatal vitamins can help you and your baby to grow.

What Does A Prenatal Vitamin Supplement have?

Why do you need to provide your body with the right prenatal vitamin supplement? Of course, the answer is that you want your child to grow inside so you can experience a healthy pregnancy. But to have that, you need to provide your body with some essential nutrients. It does not matter which prenatal vitamin supplement it is; whether it is prenatal vitamins Canada or somewhere else, you need to make sure that your supplement contains the following nutrients:

  • Vitamin D, 400 IU
  • Calcium, 200 to 300 mg
  • Thiamine, 3 mg
  • 2 mg riboflavin
  • 70 mg of Vitamin c
  • Folic acid, 400 mcg (micrograms)
  • Iron, 17 mg
  • Vitamin B12, 6 mcg
  • Niacin, 20 mg
  • 150 mcg of Iodine
  • Zinc, 15 mg
  • Vitamin, 10 mg

Why Are Prenatal Vitamins Essential For Pregnant Women?

Why are prenatal vitamins important for pregnant women? It is a million-dollar question indeed! So, we have discussed some reasons to tell you why you should consume a prenatal vitamin supplement during or before pregnancy. Read the following points to know what those are:

  • Firstly, prenatal vitamins are the ones that provide the necessary nutrients to both the would-be mother and the baby. So, we can say that it provides every essential thing a pregnant woman’s body needs to ensure that the baby gets all the necessary nutrients.
  • We all know that would-be mothers are opposed to dreaded nausea they feel for most of the day and morning sickness. But it is believed that consuming prenatal vitamins can decrease vomiting and morning sickness to some extent.
  • A pregnant woman needs to make more blood than normal people. It helps women to have a healthy pregnancy by developing their placentas. That is why while normal women need to consume at least 18 milligrams of iron regularly, pregnant women need 27 milligrams per day.
  • We are used to hearing about congenital disabilities. It is not only an unhappy incident but also a psychological struggle for parents. But, you can avoid this by being a little more careful while pregnant. By taking the right supplement of prenatal vitamins, you can avert the chances of congenital disabilities. As it provides your body with all the necessary nutrients, your baby becomes physically healthy. You can also look for the best prenatal vitamins, Canada if you are a Canadian and have been trying to bag one of the best prenatal vitamin supplements. Make sure to take at least 400 micrograms of prenatal vitamins to secure health for your kid.
  • Do you know that you also need good fat so your baby can get a healthy body? Some prenatal vitamin supplements are believed to have the ability to create DHA, which we refer to as good fat. This helps to develop your child’s eyes and brain, making the baby physically strong.

Difference Between Multivitamins and Prenatal Vitamins

Some of the minerals and vitamins are: calcium, vitamin c, choline, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, and Vitamin D. While multivitamins are essential to keep your body fit, prenatal vitamins are important to have a healthy pregnancy. So, you can intake a good doctor-prescribed multivitamin supplement whenever you want. Still, when it comes to a prenatal vitamin supplement, you can only take it when you are pregnant or prepare yourself to become pregnant.

When Should You Take Prenatal Vitamin Supplement?

If you have decided to conceive, it is a perfect time to take a prenatal supplement. Of course, you can also take a prenatal vitamin supplement a month before becoming pregnant. But if you have not done so, you can certainly take the prenatal vitamin supplement during the first twelve weeks of your pregnancy since this is the most important phase when the child’s body develops. Some doctors also recommend breastfeeding mothers consume prenatal vitamin supplements. It helps both the mother and child to stay healthy.

Some of the Best Prenatal Vitamin Supplements

  • Fullwell prenatal vitamin
  • Ritual essential prenatal multivitamin
  • Nature made prenatal multi + DHA
  • MegaFood Baby & Me 2 prenatal multi
  • Perelel prenatal packs
  • SmartyPants prenatal formula
  • Needed prenatal multi
  • Seeking Health prenatal essentials chewable
  • Nordic natural Prenatal DHA
  • New chapter perfect prenatal multivitamin
  • Thorne Research phosphatidylcholine
  • Best Nest Wellness Mama Bird prenatal multi+

Some of the Best Natural Prenatal Vitamin Supplements

There are some natural prenatal vitamin supplements that you can consider taking if you do not prefer tablets. We have mentioned the name of some of the natural prenatal vitamin supplements below:

  • Green and leafy vegetables
  • Orange juice
  • Beans
  • Cereal
  • Bread
  • Pasta

How to Choose the Right Prenatal Vitamin Supplement?

When you choose prenatal vitamins, you cannot opt for anything. You have to be extra careful with your baby’s health. So, always consider the following factors when choosing a prenatal vitamin supplement.

  • Nutrients

Prenatal vitamins are essential for their nutrients. We have already mentioned the necessary nutritional content to keep your body healthy. So, always look for prenatal vitamin supplements specially formulated to help you during and after the pregnancy.

  • Testing

You must make sure to choose the prenatal vitamin supplement that has undergone proper testing, especially from a third-party organization or lab.

  • Ingredients

The ingredients of anything are essential. So, always look for the ingredients. Your prenatal vitamin supplement should be made from high-quality ingredients. So, it can help you experience a healthy pregnancy. But, you should also be aware of preservatives and artificial additives. So, always buy a prenatal vitamin supplement free from any preservatives or artificial additives.

  • Vetting

Before you buy any prenatal supplement, you need to ensure that the supplement has been vetted to ensure the standard and that it can provide well-being to your child.

  • Review

Whether you prefer to buy prenatal vitamin supplements online or offline, always check the reviews. If you go to any online store that provides the same product, you can check the public review of the same before you buy it from a nearby shop or the online store.

Side Effects of Consuming Prenatal Vitamin Supplements and How to Prevent it

The only side effect of prenatal vitamin supplements is constipation. Usually, during pregnancy, the gas problem or bloating is quite common. But if you have to handle constipation, that is an added problem. So, follow the below-mentioned solutions to prevent your constipation:

  • You need to add more fiber to your diet.
  • Using a stool softener can help you. So, ask your doctor about the necessity of using a stool softener.
  • You need to drink enough fluids, sometimes plenty of it.
  • Doing some physical activities like yoga, walking, etc., can help you get rid of constipation during pregnancy.

Should You Take Prenatal Vitamin Supplement After Delivery?

Many new moms wonder if they should continue to take prenatal vitamins even after the delivery. The answer is yes. Since mothers need to breastfeed their children, it becomes even more important to consume the right prenatal vitamin supplement. Founay suggested that some mothers go through a major vitamin deficiency in their bodies.

So, they should take prenatal vitamin supplements to get a healthy body. Those who do not breastfeed their kids can stop taking prenatal vitamins after six to twelve weeks. But the mothers who breastfeed their kids should not stop the proper intake of prenatal vitamin supplements until they stop feeding.


We all know that the mother’s health affects the child’s health. So, it is the responsibility of both parents to eat well and provide the mother’s body with healthy supplements. Prenatal vitamin supplements are one those supplements that are essential to the health of the mother and the child. 

You can ask your doctor to prescribe a good supplement of prenatal vitamins. But always make sure to choose properly. It can help you to stay healthy while keeping your child healthy inside.

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