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Why You Must Invest in Eyelash Extensions?

Do you like being complimented? Do you enjoy the attention that you get when you look like a diva in any event? Is looking good your hobby? If the answer is yes then you must be aware of eyelash extensions and what impact they have on your look. Don’t you agree that these lash extensions are the reason people can’t take their eyes off your eyes?

Let’s admit it, your eyes are the most attractive part of your face and they are undoubtedly the first thing that anyone will notice in you. And why not? Eyes are the windows to your soul. They talk a lot about you.

Don’t you think that such a crucial facial feature deserves a bit more care and attention? Are you doing enough to make it look mesmerizing and astonishing? Are you using eyelash extensions?

These lash extensions have the potential to make your eyes look flawless as they will make your lashes look long, curvy, dense, and desirable. These lashes are a blessing for people who don’t have dense natural lashes (most of us, tbh).

They have plenty of benefits to offer, let’s have a look at them!

Benefits of Eyelash Extensions

A Confidence Booster

Some people like the natural look and then some people like little drama. They want to look like a diva wherever they go. The makeup that they put on enhances their self-assuredness and gives them a different level of confidence.

If you too are one of them then applying lash extensions is your thing. Being able to roll out of bed but look like you are wearing full mascara and liner is an added boost in self-confidence. Being confident will make you face any roadblock with a mind that is ready to take up challenges. As you will be confident, your first impression will make anyone spellbound.

Reduces the Time of Getting Ready

When we talk about creating different makeup looks, 90% of the work is done on the eyes. Concealer, eyeshadows, mascara, liner, highlighter, and glitters, all these things come together to bestow that party makeup look.

Whether you’re an athlete, housewife, or business women, you wish to look presentable without makeup and without compromising your comfort level. You have limited time only and you want a solution that is quick and impactful.

The ideal solution in such scenarios is eyelash extensions. These extensions will give all of them enough of a glamour boost to feel comfortable despite not wearing any makeup at all during their exercise classes or playdates or simply adding light foundation and brows before heading out the door to work.

No Need to Worry About Messy Mascara

There is nothing worse than mascara that goes wrong. It’s indeed a nightmare. It will spoil your eye makeup in the ugliest way and will turn it all black. If you don’t want to end up looking like a horrifying witch then switch to lash extensions that will offer you desired lashes without any risk or hassle.

Unless you have been applying false lashes on yourself for a while, you know the hassle and tussles of messing with the glue, trying to get the edges to stay down, and doing this all while not messing up your makeup. By investing in individual lash extensions, you can say goodbye to the drama that comes with mascara and strip lashes for good.

Instant Results

There are lash serums that promise to grow your natural lashes within 3-4 months. To begin with, no one can guarantee these results. Furthermore, the time is quite long. What if you want to go out on a vacation and want to look your best as you want amazing pictures to show off?

In such a case, you can’t sit and pray for the serum to show results. You need to go to a makeup artist to get your eyelash extensions done as they will give you instant results and you will be photo-ready within a span of a few hours.

Moreover, you can use serum while applying for these lash extensions. This means that their natural lashes are being treated and will continue to improve in length and density and you will get the instant satisfaction of longer lashes through lash extensions.

Isn’t it a win-win situation?

Experiment Without Fear

Want to color your lashes for extra drama? We love your brave heart for that. Not everyone is looking for black eyelashes and that’s cool. If you wish for a more natural look that complements the hair, skin, and eye color. So, for many, brown lash extensions would be a much more preferred choice over the usual black.

But, taking a step further, you can choose other vivid hues that complement a client’s natural eye color. For example, purple will make green eyes appear more intense and brown eyes larger, while green paired with hazel eyes creates a beautiful wash of color.

Coloring your natural lashes will not be safe but coloring fake lashes is harmless. Thus, getting lash extensions done brings a lot of benefits to the table.

Let’s take some FAQs related to eyelash extensions.

Q1. What’s the right curl, length, and fullness for my lashes?

Answer. There are no such ideal-length lashes. It differs from person to person. The thicker and longer your natural lashes are, the thicker and longer lash extension you will need. Similarly, the shorter your natural lashes are the shorter needs to be the length of the lash extensions so that they can bear them.

Q2. Can mascara be used with eyelash extension?

Answer. Generally, the answer is no. Mascara can clump extensions and the beautiful lash fans and it can make your lash set very messy. If you have to use mascara, use the one that is made explicitly for extensions to protect them. The fact is with eyelash extensions on you will not require mascara. These extensions will make your lashes look fuller and healthier.

Q3. What is the best time to remove your eyelash extensions?

Answer. Eyelash extensions are better to be removed after three to four weeks of wear because of the growth cycle of natural eyelashes. This is the ideal time to remove the lash extensions to avoid any adverse reactions.

It is highly advised not to remove your lash extensions at home. Book an appointment with your lash artist and get them removed professionally with a lash glue remover.


If reports are to be believed eyelash extension business is the only business in beauty products that have witnessed growth in the last two years despite the pandemic. That is because of the large market size and promising demand among the masses.

You just need to take care of the lashes that you’re using. They need to be apt as per your occasion and look. There are two types of eyelash extensions you can choose from,

  1. Classic lash
  2. Volume lash

With a classic lash set, your lashes can look more naturally elongated and elegant.

On the other hand, a volume lash extension is when fans of 2 or more very fine lash extensions are applied to one natural lash. With a volume set, your lashes will look more dramatic and fierce.

So, choose wisely and enable your eyes to spell magic over the people.

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