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Guide To Working in the Digital marketing Sector

Working in the digital marketing sector is one of the best options that exist today. If you are interested in developing your professional career in a creative, strategic field. You have the full of options to work from home or from anywhere in the world where you are.

It is a sector with many long-term job opportunities, good salaries, and a wide range of growth possibilities

What professions and areas does digital marketing include?

When talking about professions that belong to the universe of digital marketing. It is a complete panorama of very interesting possibilities and roles opens up. Below we will tell you which are the most outstanding profiles to work in the area of ​​digital marketing jobs.

Community Manager

It is the professional in charge of creating, managing and maintaining the digital community of users on social networks. The user can exist around a brand, devising and following strategies to dynamize, relate to, care for and retain the brand’s followers or those potentially interested in its products and / or services.

Social Media Manager

This professional will work hand in hand with the rest of the team. You need to be in charge of clearly drawing up the action plan and the global strategy that a brand. It will follow in its different digital channels of social networks, covering the general and specific objectives of the company.

SEO/SEM Specialist

The SEO/SEM specialist is a professional in charge of developing positioning techniques in web search engines through both organic (SEO) and paid (SEM) strategies. They will optimize the content and structure of a website to facilitate its visibility. in front of the user, thus increasing the generated traffic.

Email Marketing Specialist

This professional profile of the digital age is in charge of managing and administering. the email campaigns of companies or brands. A key strategy to get closer to your customers or potential customers in order to achieve your goals. You can do by offering products, services or valuable content through this medium.

Digital Designer

He is a graphic design professional specializing in the creation of creative, strategic, expressive design solutions. It is suitable for the development of digital products and content with commercial objectives within the market.

Digital Analyst

This profile has the special mission of measuring and analyzing the impact of any type of action linked to digital marketing that is carried out on the network. It means of data collection and interpretation of the same to later use them in favor within a strategy.

Digital Project Manager

It is the profile that will be in charge of leading the actions carried out by the rest of the marketing team. He is making sure to determine if the work is carried out within a specific time frame. He is the following the appropriate guidelines for the client’s requests to guarantee their satisfaction.

What are the functions of digital marketing professionals?

Although the list of profiles that work in the digital marketing sector can be dedicated to very different activities. There are certain functions that are a similar meeting point for everyone.

When working in the digital marketing industry. It is very likely that you will have to perform the following functions:

Develop and fullfill sales strategies

All marketing strategies have the same objective: to increase the sales of a company. Therefore, the entire digital marketing team will work with this objective to set the direction of their actions.

Research on consumer trends

Whatever the digital marketing profile, before taking any action, you must know the target audience that the brand plans to conquer commercially, only from this you will be able to achieve a broader perception of what the public wants and offer solutions that meet all your needs and expectations.

Competitor Analysis

Just as you must know the brands’ target audience closely, you will also have to know their main competitors. Regardless of the role you occupy, studying the competition allows you to obtain a broader vision of what is being done in the industry to which a brand belongs, verify the points for and against it, define its opportunities for advantage over similar companies and even get to know the types of clients better.

Create or coordinate the creation of digital content

There is a phrase that is already a bit recycled, but you will hear it a thousand times when working in digital marketing: “content is king” .

No matter the role you occupy within this sector, it is most likely that you will end up in some way linked to content, which is basically the heart of a brand in the digital world , the bridge that allows you to reach your audience to project your strategy.

Do branding

It is customary to refer to branding as a purely design issue, but the truth is that any professional who works closely with a brand on its digital channels is, whether they notice it or not, fulfilling the function of branding.

Branding is the entire process of building and managing a brand, either from scratch or through all the ways a company reinvents itself throughout its journey in the digital world.

Results monitoring

Metrics are the best allies of each profile that decides to work in digital marketing, only through them is it possible to see the light of whether the results of our strategy are effective or on the contrary, it is time to rethink what has been done so far. the moment.

No matter what role you occupy, the results of the metrics should matter to the whole team.

Soft skills needed to work in Online marketing Sector

As when we talk about functions, it can seem that all digital marketing profiles require very different skills to deal with their functions within each role.

Although it is true that each profile will require some skills above others, there are certain soft skills that anyone who decides to work in digital marketing should have among their skills, for example.

Effective communication

Communication is like a bridge when working in digital marketing, through its domain we connect with users, with clients, with the team and with each piece that is part of the process of creating a company’s commercial strategy.


This is one of the most valued skills when working in digital marketing. Only professionals who continuously train and nurture a good creative process are fully capable of proposing innovative and attractive actions and solutions to position relevant and memorable strategies.

Capacity for analysis and interpretation

As you may have already noticed, many of the functions when working in digital marketing will involve dealing frequently with data and metrics that need to be analyzed and interpreted as an initial step to know where to start from and where to go.

Independent and team work

When working in the digital marketing sector, you must be able to perform very well, both to collaborate with a group of very varied professional profiles that will feed the strategy, and in the tasks that you will have to perform independently.

Flexibility in the face of changes

The world of digital marketing, by its very nature, represents a sector that can become widely changing at all times. Many times, you will not even know what will happen, however, the ability to be flexible to adhere to the trends of today and tomorrow, will be a great ally to consolidate strategies that meet current needs.


In any profession that involves paying attention to a user who is on the other side of the screen, you have to have empathy, much more knowing that the success of your strategy when working in digital marketing will depend on the satisfaction of that user. Only through the genuine development of empathy will you be able to understand the audience, serve them according to their needs and solve the problems and concerns that they may present even before they decide to express it.


As in everything that involves developing strategies and sticking to precise results, working in digital marketing is a sign that you have to start developing your organization skills, if you lack a push, or in case you already have them , maximize them.

How to train yourself to work in digital marketing?

Currently there are many options to train you in the different profiles that belong to the digital marketing sector. If you want to start gaining the professional skills necessary to deliver your best performance. You need to prepare yourself for interview questions like “Tell me about yourself” to your professional career background with up to date project work details.

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