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8 Qualities of Successful Flutter app Developers

Flutter, the leading cross-platform mobile app development framework, has ascended to the highest popularity and become the eye-candy solution for developing scalable, robust and modular apps for various business niches across the spectrum.

The reusability of the code, rapid and platform-optimized UI development through modular widgets, clean coding convention of Dart programming language, ease of testing and updates, and robust support of the ever-increasing developer community – all made Flutter the champion of cross-platform technologies. Flutter mobile app development company builds beautiful, high functionality and outstanding mobile apps in Flutter at a low cost in record time. As per a developer survey in 2021, with 42% of mobile app developers preferring Flutter, it is the most loved framework leaving behind React Native.

As a business, you will likely be tempted to hire expert Flutter developers for your next mobile app project. Whether you hire developers from a reputed Flutter app development company in India or hire Flutter developers in-house, knowing they must have Flutter development skills is necessary for getting onboard the right talents. Here below, we explain the eight must-have qualities of Flutter developers.

Basic Qualities of Flutter App Developers

First, for hiring Flutter developers, you need to look for some basic qualities that come from experience and exposure to various mobile app projects. These are the must-have qualities for any developer, par says, and cannot be compromised with.

Ability to Write Clean Code

Writing clean code is a sign of experienced programmers exposed to several projects. When you can write clean code, you have the command of fast-paced development and streamlined mobile app testing. Clean code automatically reduces bugs and coding errors, making QA testing easier.

Writing clean code also helps developers make precise documentation that guides future developers working on the project and allows them to make changes and value additions easily. Clean coding helps developers to incorporate references and make modular changes at a faster pace.

Generally, the Dart programming language of Flutter is widely regarded as boasting of a clean and transparent code syntax empowering easy and streamlined cross-platform mobile app development. Developers with clean coding ability further add firepower to Flutter, ensuring robust quality and ease of optimization.

UI Design & Back-end Development

An experienced front-end developer must know how UI design works in the web, desktop, and mobile context. Since Flutter is a framework for building cross-platform apps across all platforms, including iOS, Android, desktop, and web, UI design knowledge coupled with platform-specific UI widgets of Flutter will help develop robust and richly layered apps.

Though Flutter is a front-end framework, it offers integrated back-end support with Google Firebase. This makes Flutter an excellent framework for full-stack development as well. So, a Flutter developer having back-end development expertise and a good knowledge of Firebase can just become an irreplaceable asset for the mobile app project.

QA Testing & Bug Fixing Skills

QA testing skill starts with fixing the bugs and errors in the code. Any experienced developer must fix bugs in the code he writes, irrespective of the framework, programming language, or library he works with. These days, developers need to go one step ahead and optimize the code syntax for better mobile app performance.

So, an expert Flutter developer should also be versed with the QA processes, from bug fixing to code optimization. Flutter developers should also know how to collaborate with the QA testing team for optimum mobile app development output.

Knowledge of Operating Systems & Native Languages

Flutter is the most versatile framework that allows developers to build cross-platform apps that can run on multiple OS platforms, including the iOS and Android mobile platforms and web and desktop platforms. Since the framework targets several different operating systems, deployment environments, and corresponding technologies, more profound knowledge of the entire spectrum of ecosystems is necessary.

Let’s break these ecosystems into particular OS platforms and their corresponding languages and skills. Knowledge of modern mobile browsers, web views and web APIs is crucial. For iOS development, having a strong command of Swift programming language and expertise with Kotlin or Java is vital for Android development. Now coming to desktop app development, knowledge of Linux, Windows, and macOS is crucial.

Knowledge of Native Design Principles

Flutter, as a robust UI development kit, implements platform-specific design through a multitude of widgets. But if you think using these iOS widgets or Android widgets is enough to shape the respective app interface, you are wrong. Flutter developers need to have a good knowledge of the design principle followed by each native platform.

iOS follows Cupertino, Android follows the Material Design principle, and both are distinct for their design capabilities in different ways. Since the core Flutter promise is to deliver a native look, feel, and user experience for every platform, developers must get versed with the nooks and corners of these design principles.

Dart Programming Knowledge

Flutter framework works on Dart programming language, which is an object-oriented, general-purpose language with dynamic capabilities and clean coding syntax. Despite its acclaimed capabilities, Dart is less known as a programming language in the app development universe. Naturally, the learning curve for the language can be a problem for aspiring new app developers. This is why you need to check the Dart programming knowledge. And skills on a priority basis when hiring Flutter developers.

On the other hand, learning Dart becomes much easier for app developers with a background in Java or C. So any developer with Java or C experience can learn Dart coding at a quick pace. But having prior experience with Dart should always have the first preference for a Flutter project before other skills.

SQLite Skills

Every app project requires front-end, backend, and database technologies. While Flutter is a core front-end framework. There is Google Firebase support for backend development, and then developers have to learn SQLite database. It is the most easily compatible database technology for Flutter projects.

Developers can use sqflite plugin for flutter project to incorporate database easily. Once integrated, the plugin automatically handles the database by adding, updating, removing, and reading data. Several web resources and tutorials guide you on how the database technology works together with Flutter.

Expertise with Git Version Control Platform

For any flutter app developer. The Git version control platform and code repository are invaluable tools that continue to provide constant references throughout his career. This is the most popular tool boasting the largest developer community across all software and app projects. If the Flutter developers are not versed with the Git platform and how it works, their experience and expertise are questionable.

You need to check the presence of the respective developer on the Git platform, their activity, frequency, rating, and how well they give answers to other developers for solving problems. These activities and Git popularity will help you judge the worthiness of a Flutter developer for your app project.

Summing It Up

Flutter is such a versatile framework that being incapable of building a winning mobile app with Flutter is condemnable. This is why to get the most out of a powerful framework like Flutter. It is essential to stick to the time-tested conventions and principles. All the above qualities for hiring Flutter app developers adhere to the principles followed by successful Flutter app projects.

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