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Graphic Designing

7 Trends You May Have Missed About Graphic Designing

About Graphic Designing

According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), graphic designing is the art and craft that composes visual content and layout techniques to convey a specific message to the target audience. Graphic designers use graphic design to optimize user experience motion graphics, images, and typography. The visual depends on the need of the business requirement; they are simple as the logo or complex as the business layout of the website.

Graphic designing is a leading technique that many companies and brand uses to promote their content and sell their products or services to the audience as graphic designing is an effective technique to deliver complex information about the business into the accessible and digestible way.

Graphic Design Basic

To understanding graphic design, it’s essential to be aware of graphic design elements and principles as they are considered building blocks to make a design.

The 7 essential elements of graphic design:

  • Shape
  • Color
  • Form
  • Line
  • Size
  • Texture
  • Space

Besides elements, there are a set of principles known as the “principle of designs”, which are the guidelines that help in designing to give a productive outlook.

  • Balance
  • Rhythm
  • Contrast
  • Proportion
  • Movement
  • Emphasis

Types of Graphic Design

Graphic designing is an integral part of any business’s development and recognition; by using leading technology and creative idea, you can convey a message to the audience that encourages them to engage with your brand.

However, there are 8 different graphic design types, and each design requires different sets of skills and techniques.

  • Visual Identity Graphic Design
  • Marketing and Advertising Graphic Design
  • Web Design
  • Publication Graphic Design
  • Packaging Graphic Design
  • Motion Graphic Design
  • Environmental Graphic Design
  • Illustration for Graphic Design

Graphing designing field is developing and evolving for better productivity; here are the latest 7 trends you shouldn’t miss about graphic designing.

7 Trends About Graphic Designing

Muted Color Palette

After a dramatic year, everyone is yearning for peace of mind and stability. The graphic design is switching bold and bright colors into a muted color palette; muted color palette refers to vivid primary colors with the fusion of black, white, or complementary color.

People have misunderstood the muted color concept; muted color does not refer to the colorless or grey color; they are the range of shades toned down to give calming and relaxing effect with the sense of modern and genuine consequence.

The muted color palette includes shade with lower saturation with a touch of neutral effect; that’s why it’s one of the leading techniques designers use to create the design as it feels more safe and secure vibes than a bold and bright color.

Simple Data Visualization

Simple data visualization is a technique in which designers use the graphical representation of information. According to a survey of professional web design services, data visualization tools provide an accessible and comprehensive version of data for the audience to visualize the concept quickly.

Common Types of Data Visualization:

  • Charts
  • Tables
  • Graphs
  • Maps
  • Infographic
  • Dashboards
  • Specific Methods of Data Visualization:
  • Bullet graph
  • Bar chart
  • Area chart
  • Bubble cloud
  • Histogram
  • Matrix
  • Dot Distribution map

Data visualization is another form of visual content that grabs public attention to convey their message in an easy method to increase web traffic for the company’s benefit.

Abstract Design

Abstract designs are the art, with the visual language of geometric shapes and textures to create a composition without visible reality.

Because of the pandemic, the entire year has been chaotic and uncertain; therefore, people are looking for something consistent and constant that’s why designers use the abstract technique. It is more reliable and easy to grab the audience’s interest and give them the feeling of reliance and certainty.

Companies tend to use various geometric shapes in their designs, as they are easy to create. They also are blended with muted colors palette easily as they are precise and exact to generate good context. Geometric and abstract designs are primary modes as they provide stability and artistic power to the context.

3D Effects

The implementation of 3D effects; designers use various forms to capture the audience’s attention, like edges, shadows, and even motion, as it provides spectacular and dynamic impact to the project.

Designers mesh the world with VR (virtual reality) to showcase a rotating image, to give a realistic outlook to the end product. It is one of the leading techniques to create a more profound impact on the consumer’s mind as it gives satisfaction and a fascinating outlook.

However, with the significant advantages, implementing the 3D effect is an expensive and time-consuming process.

Social Slide Decks

Social slide decks; decks are the outline of the story that allows elaborating the concept of the story in a better way; that’s why it is a trending method of graphic designing.

The quality of structure and presentation of the decks determine the clients’ engagement with your company or the brand. It represents the service or product to the consumer in a more straightforward method. A survey shows that 80% of the consumers with the business have well-designed slide decks.

A creative slide is the one that looks good and is informative, relies on visuals rather than paragraph or text, is more authentic and reliable, and foremost is appealing and mesmerizing. Social slide decks work best on social media platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn as they use pictures to work best on that platform than others.

Serif Fonts

Typography is the technique of arranging language to make written language readable and appealing for the readers; it includes font, font size, line lengths, line spacing, etc.

Serif font is the oldest form of font style, and people still use it as it brings nostalgic vibes; some serif typefaces are:

  • Times New Roman
  • Georgia
  • Palatino
  • Garamond
  • Arial

Using serif fonts is the designer’s first choice; as designers know the importance of typography, typography is the strategy that makes a project stand out and gives authenticity and trustworthiness to the post that enhances the audience to engage with the brand.

Importance of typography:

  • Provides beautiful outlook
  • Strong visual hierarchy
  • Gives graphic balance to the website
  • Set the product tone
  • Custom Illustration

The illustration is a visual explanation or understanding of a context designed for integration in prints and digital media.

Custom illustrations are among the highest trending designs leading in the market; customizing and customers always search for a personalized experience. They work similarly to ultra-recognizable logos; they are used in websites and social media graphics as they are unique and simple that follow the brand throughout marketing efforts.

Custom illustration is the critical aspect for a website for the following reasons:

Provide uniqueness and exceptionality to the content and creates a particular fan base audience that will love to engage with your business.

  • Give personalize a user experience to the audience.
  • Provide balance to the content as content holds a lot of texts and paragraphs.
  • It’s a form of entertainment; as you know, custom illustration stimulates the mind.
  • It helps in targeting the audience as it makes the website more appealing.

According to various studies, this has been proving that websites with well-constructed custom illustrations and icons tend to have higher web traffic and are having leading success towards their business.

Choose Your Trends Wisely

In the era of leading technology, to stand out for success, one must use evolving and appealing graphic designing techniques to their content. However, the trends are evolving and shifting every upcoming year; these new trends and methods help build websites more effectively for a better user experience. It’s vital to utilize trends wisely according to the need and website requirements to positively impact the audience and lead them to engage with your business.

Ellie Singh

Ellie Singh is a professional book marketer, writer, and strategist with over six years of marketing involvement. She help affordable ghostwriter service drive organic development with product-led content and SEO.

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