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7 Proven Strategies to Dramatically Improve Your Website’s Google Rank

7 Proven Strategies to Dramatically Improve Your Website’s Google Rank: No matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get yourself onto the first page of rankings in Google. Sound familiar?

A lot of businesses struggle to improve rankings, but they might just be putting effort into the wrong areas. There are a number of things you can do to improve your Google rank in no time.

We’re going to take a look at a few key SEO strategies you can use to improve your website rank on Google. Let’s get started.

1. Put Out More Content

You can’t optimize your site well, then just sit on it and hope that your rankings go up.

The main driver for rankings is content. So long as you don’t diminish the quality for quantity, you should try to put out as much content as you can. Find relevant keywords and try to work them into a regular content schedule.

You might not rank well in all of your pieces, but the more traffic that you get coming into your site in general, the more authority your site will have. Further, your secondary pieces of content should all link back to more important pages that you want to rank.

This creates a sort of funnel of traffic toward the pages that matter most to you, generating a lot of good karma over time.

Note on Content Creation

Content should be created in response to implied questions in your target keyword, not just as a way to express your personal thoughts and ideas.

That isn’t to say that there shouldn’t be a personality in content, though. Just keep in mind that your content is a very specific tool in your attempt to increase the number of people that come to your site.

When you see the keyword phrase “best tandem bikes for couples,” for example, you can make a few inferences. For one, there are two people interested in riding a tandem bike. You can also assume that they haven’t used these kinds of bikes before.

Through that, you could create any number of informative pieces. Content explaining how to ride a tandem bike or detailing the best places to use those bikes could fit that keyword well.

The content ideas should come through the target keyword. The keyword shouldn’t be stuffed into a piece that’s not quite related.

2. Focus on Backlinks

Each backlink to your site is like a big vote in your favor. Google sees backlinks (links to your site from other sites) as an indication of value and importance. When you can get those links from industry giants, you get even more results from those links.

That said, any backlink will work in your favor. They’re hard to get, though, so it’s smart to try and work a little extra for each one. You might reach out to other sites in your niche to see if they would link to you.

You can also consider writing content for other sites in exchange for a link back to your own. This is an effective way of getting links without having to pay any money or sell your soul.

When those links start coming in, though, so do the rankings. Over time, your site will become successful enough where backlinks are generated naturally.

Check out this article to find out how many links you might need to find success.

3. Expand Your Niche

We get hyperfocused on optimizing for the keywords in our niche.

You might be surprised to find, though, that there are gaps in your neighboring niches that could be capitalized on. This is an advanced tactic of keyword research, but it’s one worth knowing.

Look at the keywords that surround your typical choices and see what their competition looks like. The terms might be adjacent to the sort of subject matter you’re an expert in, but that doesn’t mean you can’t research and write content about them.

Optimizing for these adjacent terms allows you to enter into a relevant niche and gain rankings. Those rankings might not bring in direct sales, but they will help float the rest of your pages up toward the top of the stack.

Further, you’ll have more of an influence on the web and Google will take note. Ranking in adjacent searches also builds brand recognition for users who might be interested in your products later.

4. Find Other Formulas

It’s no problem to look at the methods of successful websites and take a note or two.

Popular websites often have excellent optimization strategies. You can learn a lot by looking at their most popular pieces and noting the structure, length, and arch of those pieces of writing.

You can also look at the photos they use, the size of the image, and the alternative text that they use in those pictures. Visit their site as well, looking at things like site architecture, user experience, and more.

Everything on a popular site can be used as a clue to inform your own digital marketing strategy. You can go as far as you’d like in this regard, so long as you’re not plagiarizing or copying anything.

Google penalizes sites that copy other sites or try to hack the algorithm in any way, so be sure that you don’t get anywhere near that point.

5. Focus on Quality First

A lot of websites get caught up in the process of optimization and forget the point of the search engine algorithm.

The algorithm exists to improve the quality of results that users experience on Google. The ranking factors it contains identify the sites that are most relevant and useful to the user search.

We can get confused and think that we’re supposed to optimize in a particular way or adhere to the specific strategies that tend to work. That said, the point of the whole thing is to provide value to the user.

If you can do that, you’ll attract more users to your site. Google will take note of that as well, and you’ll start to rank a lot higher over time. Most of the ranking factors that Google uses will pick up on quality as well.

So, if you’re ever struggling to find new ways to make content, just try to create things that you know your users need. You’ll find ways to be more useful through your content over time, and that’s just as good as spending a lot of time optimizing.

6. Hire an Agency

The fastest way to start seeing results might be to hire a professional to handle your optimization.

It might be a little tough to hand over the keys to your digital identity, but your baby will be safe with a quality agency. These are individuals that spend all day trying to optimize sites and seek out new strategies for digital marketing.

They know how to monitor the data, find the right keywords, create relevant content, and piece together a digital marketing campaign that will work. This is a great idea if you have a lot of other businesses on your mind and struggle to find time for your SEO.

If you’re not trained in something, it’s always a good idea to find someone who is. The investment you make will pay off and you’ll likely see better results than you would if you did everything yourself.

7. Use Metrics to Adjust

A huge mistake that a lot of people make is failing to watch the numbers. Almost every factor in SEO has a corresponding metric that’s quantifiable and observable.

You can like at site traffic, click-thru rates, conversions, the efficacy of links, site speed, and dozens of other factors. Each one will queue you in on something that you’re doing right or wrong.

For example, if you have a lot of traffic but few people make purchases, there might be something wrong with your sales funnel. There could be something wrong with your site’s user experience as well.

You can then look closer at the data and see precisely where people are clicking away. Then, you can determine why that might be happening. There’s a similar option with a lot of the various SEO pieces you’ll be using.

It takes a little bit of time and effort to identify these problems, and even more effort to make effective changes. That said, looking at the numbers and making appropriate adjustments is the best way to fine-tune your optimization and start seeing results.

You can invest in various tools that might help you get a closer look at your metrics. The internet is rife with software and various SEO helpers that give you insights into your strategy and success without having to pore over too many details.

Need More Ideas on How to Improve Google Rank?

Working to improve Google rank is something that all businesses have to do in this day and age. Fortunately, there are a lot of pathways to success and they don’t have to be too hard. They just take a little time.

We’re here to help you find your way, though. Explore our site for more insight into search engine optimization, SEO strategy, backlinks, and more.

Read Also: How to Get More Traffic to Your Website: 3 Tips to Try Today

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