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Health and Fitness

5 Meaningful and Effective Ways to Practice Self-Care

Self-care is something we’re all told to practice, but it doesn’t always come easy. 

It can be difficult to find the time and energy for self-care when you have a full-time job, kids, or any other number of responsibilities on your plate.

But, it’s important. In fact, it’s so important that it’s really a necessity

I think that Parker Palmer may have said it best:

“Self-care is never a selfish act — it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”

Of course, while the idea of self-care is becoming more popular, many people don’t know where to start because they don’t know what it means for them specifically. 

This blog post will give you five tips on how to start practicing self-care in meaningful ways, so you can feel more balanced and fulfilled in life.

1. Try to Be Mindful of Your Schedule

Packing too much into your schedule can be overwhelming and taxing. 

Instead, try to be intentional about how you schedule your days.

For me, being aware of when I plan to sleep in, when I plan to shut down for the evening, and when I plan to do fun things really helps me with scheduling. Building self-care into my schedule ensures I always make time for it.

Try using Google Calendar to schedule things for yourself. 

Feel free to schedule an eight-hour block of time for sleeping, or schedule two hours in the afternoon for downtime.

Breaks are important, and when we pack our schedules too tightly, our downtime is usually the first thing that gets sacrificed — even though it’s so vitally crucial to our mental wellbeing. 

2. Practice Intentional Gratitude

We live in a world that often seems steeped in negativity. It’s little wonder that all of those negative emotions can have a profound impact on our state of mind. 

It’s important to try to step back and maintain some perspective.

I believe that Gary Vaynerchuk is a master at this. He may have said it best in a blog post he published on his website:

“I’m just very, very, very grateful. I will never take it for granted. I understand the perspective of it all. And I hate how many people think “glass half-empty” when their glass is really four-fifths full. I’m grateful when I have one drop in the glass because I know exactly what to do with it.”

It sounds like a cliche. But it’s also very powerful.

Remind yourself that someone else somewhere is a lot worse off than you. Count the things in your life you have to be thankful for.

It isn’t a magic bullet, but it’s truly helpful for undercutting stress, anxiety, and depression. 

3. Travel

Traveling is a little bit difficult if you’re stretched for time or don’t have much money. But if you can swing it, traveling can do wonders for your mental health. 

Research shows that people who travel are about 7% happier than those who don’t. 

And as someone who has done my fair share of traveling in life, I can see why. 

Traveling takes you out of the limited ‘space’ of your immediate world and literally transforms your perspective. 

It’s hard not to be happy and excited when you’re exploring new places and seeing new things.

4. Make More Time for Good Friends and Positive People

We don’t always have a choice in who we spend our time with. At work, for example, you may be required to spend time with people who aren’t as positive as you would like to be. 

This is why it’s vital to spend time with people you enjoy being around when you have a choice.

When we spend time with friends and loved ones, we tap into the tribal, community mindset we evolved and adapted with. 

See, our ancient ancestors understood that they wouldn’t survive for long without a tribe. 

So when we spend time building relationships, we strengthen our social bonds.

But these social activities also serve another purpose:

They help us to feel happier and more content. 


Because we innately associate time spent with loved ones as time spent improving our odds for survival. 

Plus, our loved ones can listen to us and encourage us. 

It’s also just fun to spend time with people you enjoy. 

All of these are good reasons to make sure that you prioritize friends and family in your life. 

5. Take Stock of Your Goals and Purpose in Life

Sometimes, the most stressful element of life is the uncertainty that comes from not having hope for the future. 

Revisiting your goals can fill you with new hope and revitalize you during your journey. 

When we allow our lives to be consumed by chaos, hope often flies out the window. 

But when we exercise our ability to create order, we quickly realize that we have the power to shape our lives and make ourselves better.

Taking stock of your goals and reaffirming your pursuit of those goals does two important things:

First, it actually helps you to make progress, which will make your life feel less stressful. 

And two, it gives you hope for the future, reminding you of your life’s purpose.

This is why goal-setting and making a plan are actually two of the most powerful self-care practices. 


Practicing self-care often feels difficult because we tend to put ourselves on the back burner. Spending time just being kind to yourself can feel wasteful.

But here’s the truth:

You need to be okay if you want to contribute to the world. 

And at the end of the day, only you can make sure that you get what you need to keep going in a positive and fulfilling direction. 

So, start making some self-care plans to get control of your stress and anxiety, and start making small adjustments to feel better and get your life back on track. 

You got this! And you deserve it.

Author Bio

Caitlin Sinclair is the property manager at Broadstone Memorial Park. With five years of property management experience and many more in customer service, she has a passion for her community and looks forward to making Broadstone Memorial Park the place to call home.

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