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5 Fresh Website Content Ideas

5 Fresh Website Content Ideas: Content is the most important part of your digital marketing strategy. It drives traffic and audience engagement, fuels SEO and is the backbone of social media strategies. It’s important that you’re doing it right.

But it’s difficult to regularly come up with fresh and exciting ideas that your audience will love — you’re not some magical content ideas generator, after all.

Check out these 5 fresh website content ideas to give you inspiration, drive traffic and boost brand awareness.

1. Turn Articles Into Videos

Video content is becoming more and more popular and is one of the main channels for consumers to engage with content. Rather than trying to come up with new trending topics for a website, find your articles that already drive traffic and turn them into videos.

You can get creative and make them into fun and educational content, or perhaps a spokesperson video for the content that is rife with information.

2. Take a Peek at What Competitors Are Doing

Get inspiration by looking at your competitors’ website content examples. You shouldn’t copy their content, but get some ideas on what topics they’re covering and the content that the audience is positively responding to.

Then, do it better.

3. Keep Up With the Latest Trends

Alongside the evergreen content on your site that will always be relevant and bring in traffic, you can also keep content fresh by covering the latest trends. This is a fantastic way to get engagement from your audience.

Of course, you should ensure that the trends are relevant to your brand. It’s even better if you can identify the role that your business or industry plays in the trend. This is a great way to get people talking about your brand and sharing your content.

4. Interview Experts in Your Industry

If you’re struggling to come up with fresh and exciting ideas for content writing in your business, turn to interviews. Carefully consider who your audience would like to hear from and what insider information would be valuable to them.

Get your audience hyped up and involved by asking them to pitch questions that they’d like you to ask in the interview. That way, they’ll definitely be coming back to read or watch the final piece.

5. Identify Topics From Common FAQs

If you have a FAQ page on your site then this is one of the best website ideas for beginners and experts alike. Review your FAQ page and turn the most common questions into articles or video content. This way you’ll be delivering content that your audience directly contributes to.

If you don’t have a FAQ page, reach out to your audience and ask them to pitch ideas or questions that they’d like answered. Then, choose the most recurring themes and create awesome content.

Which of These Website Content Ideas Will You Try?

These website content ideas could be a goldmine for your brand. Identify the ones that are most relevant for your business and start producing fresh and exciting content. You’ll quickly see amazing results.

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