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Health and Fitness

5 Effective Ways to Ensure the Health and Wellbeing of Your Employees

Every machine, asset, and resource has a specified life. Some last longer, while some lose efficiency earlier. However, timely maintenance and care can increase their life and productivity. Human resource is the most critical asset for any business and also the most vulnerable one. Therefore, it requires regular care for its well-being. Humans are complex machinery comprised of physical needs and emotional drives. All these factors come into play at the workplace, serving as reasons for systematic consideration of employee health and well-being.

Besides, now is the time to pay heed to the importance of employee health and well-being. Numerous businesses are suffering devastating losses due to employees falling prey to the Coronavirus either mentally or physically. Every organization is now forced to take care of employee health and well-being. However, organizations that already had such programs in place are safer and more stable than others. Undoubtedly, the way forward is to have robust employee health and well-being programs integrated with the overall business operational philosophy. Otherwise, ensuring smooth business operations is never possible.

There are several methods organizations are deploying to provide support to their employees. Almost every employer now recognizes the importance of these measures. If you have been wondering how you can take care of the needs of your employees, this article is for you. It discusses five effective ways to ensure the health and well-being of your employees.

In-house health expert

Having an in-house health expert provides employees a great chance to share their problems. It is also relatively cost-effective. But, choosing a suitable individual to perform this job is a bit daunting. Fortunately, the inception of online education has been producing great public health experts for some time now. Anyone with a masters in public health online no GRE is an excellent resource for the organization. Using their exceptional social and behavioral health knowledge, they help organizations map out effective employee well-being strategies.

According to a report by Change Recruitment Group, employers lost about 12.5 million employment days because of workplace stress, anxiety, and depression in 2017. By looking at these stats, we can say that the amount is only increasing with time.

Positive work-life balance

An average worker spends about 9-10 hours a day in the office. People spend more of their active time at workplaces than at home. Therefore, mental peace and flexibility to ensure work-life balance are crucial for their health and well-being. According to a survey by Apollo Technical, 72% of people reported that work-life balance is an essential factor in choosing an employer.

Thus, organizations should avoid rewarding employees for sitting late in the office and demotivate such behavior. Additionally, since they spend more time in the office than at home, the office space must ensure flexibility. Employers should respect their family commitments and let them manage them along with their work.

Progressive Communication

The weight of discontentment builds on until you share it with someone. Workplaces are never devoid of conflicts, stress, and work pressure. You can’t rule these factors out of a typical workplace in the contemporary business environment. The key to a healthy workplace is effectively managing these moments of negative feelings. Progressive communication among employees helps a lot in dealing with such instances.

Employees feel mentally relaxed when they know their bosses are approachable. Senior business executives need to promote a friendly environment ensuring collaboration and open communication. It encourages employees to share all their concerns with the seniors. They feel less burdened and psychologically secure. It also decreases the chances of employee burnouts and develops an organizational culture promoting employee well-being.

Employee Wellbeing Facilities

Organizations can vigorously promote employee health and well-being by creating recreational facilities. Gyms, games rooms, and relaxing lounges have become a norm in any contemporary corporate organization. You don’t necessarily have to build large spaces for such facilities. An area for relaxing or having tea with colleagues is sufficient.

Organizations can also provide benefits that uplift employee health and well-being. From health insurance to travel allowances, organizations can promote employee well-being in many ways. Something as simple as having a flexible leave management system can improve employee mental and physical health too.

Psychological Consultation

Workplaces can get really exhausting and mentally draining. Employees face numerous psychological challenges at work. According to a report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, 59% of organizations face long-term absenteeism due to the poor mental health of employees. So, organizations can provide psychological consultation to tackle these situations.

Once employees are in a tranquil state of mind, their productivity increases, and are intrinsically motivated to perform their tasks. They will eventually work because they want to and not because someone is forcing them. This attitude later helps employees develop high work etiquette and ethical sense.

Final thoughts

Employees are the leading resource that generates value for any business. And so, they deserve the best treatment and consideration for their well-being. You can take your business to unprecedented heights of success if you keep your employees happy and content. Whereas unhappy and unsatisfied employees can destroy well-established companies as well. It all depends on your employee health and well-being initiatives.

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