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3 Common misconceptions about online study

Online education is becoming more prevalent these days. As students question traditional university tuition costs and investigate how to balance education with other commitments, the flexibility of online education is fueling its growth in popularity. However, as interest in online education grows, so do myths and misconceptions about it.

Taking courses such as an online Master’s of Computer Science program can be just as rewarding and educational as traditional face-to-face classes, with the bonus of being able to do so on your own time. Here is a look at 3 common myths about online education that should not deter you from pursuing a degree.

1. There is limited interaction 

You can use technology to talk to a friend worldwide, collaborate with a group of business partners, and interact with professors and classmates. You’ll likely get a better sense of who your classmates are in a moderated online forum where everyone is required to participate compared to a lecture hall where only a few students speak up. In addition, online discussions can provide you with new skills for communicating online. There are rules and etiquette for communicating in online classes, and you can quickly learn how people feel about a particular topic.

2. You don’t learn as much

Many academics have debated whether online learning has the characteristics of its own academic discipline. Unfortunately, this mindset is fueled by instructors who are not given the time or provided with the technological training required to maximize the online experience for teachers and students.

Content cannot be automatically moved from face-to-face to online in order for online courses to be successful. Instead, online teaching requires a distinct set of new approaches. In addition, it takes time to prepare and plan content for the online format. On the other hand, online content can be just as rigorous as its face-to-face counterpart when equipped with the right mindset and approaches.

3. You have to be tech savvy

Online courses are intended to be simple to navigate. Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself to be technologically savvy. Many of the programs used for online courses include tutorials that walk you through a specific process or activity step by step. Furthermore, plenty of help and guidance is available online to answer any questions you may have about the best way to navigate an online course. Instructors are often the best people to turn to for help in these situations.

Online learning is becoming more popular, and this trend will likely continue in the coming years. Increased access to educational opportunities makes universities and colleges more competitive and encourages these institutions to create more inclusive and diverse environments. Students who would not be able to attend higher education otherwise due to the cost, their daily schedules, a lack of transportation, or their location can now apply to a broader range of degree programs thanks to online learning.

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