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13 Reasons why Precast Concrete should be the Prominent Build System

For any developed or developing country, with every large construction project comes up the responsibility of strength to the structure, sustainable development, and flexibility to create a future-ready building that will be
shipshape and of exorbitantly topflight quality. Unlike the traditional cast-in-situ construction, the precast concrete technology comes into the picture holding a myriad of advantages and strengths that can’t ignore when it comes to substantially boom production efficiency.

Precast technology brings forth a plethora of advanced automated techniques and creative possibilities in planning and execution to the architects and the engineers; thereby, setting the seal on the quality, speed of construction, and a value-for-money product. Most construction sectors are now acknowledging this trump card and getting more disposed towards the Precast concrete structure technology.

Precast products, be that infrastructural or architectural, are the forms of the future as they have an edge over the cast-in-situ system on many levels: minimal construction time with reduced cost, less impact on the eco-system, less consumption of energy and water.

Concrete is a known as a strong construction material, which is why many prefers using it in all industrial building. However, dealing with concrete requires precision to ensure the safety of the site and the people working on it. Core drilling can help in creating holes in concrete for plumbing piping, electrical conduits, and more.

If you are looking for a voguish solution with a host of benefits to your structure, the answer is plain as a pikestaff. Magicrete Precast Concrete is the ultimate hero to provide you the comfort and flexibility in design you have been longing for.

Here are 13 reasons which will make you ponder over the fact that the Precast technology is a smarter option if you are moving ahead with a big modern building project:

Structural Reliability and Efficiency

In the case of large construction projects, the regular conventional concrete structures fail to keep pace with the specifically designed characteristics of precast concrete.

The lightweight feature of the precast structures being the cynosure of big construction industries can bear a lot of weight. The lighter weight of the concrete doesn’t bring down the efficiency in performance and construction. Instead, at a pinch, dwindles the superfluous need of structural materials such as additional supports and columns within the building as the structures are prefabricated; thereby, also reducing the overall depth of the foundation.

When installed perfectly in an appropriate manner, the precast concrete structures impart more strength and security to the building, even when put under reduced dead loads.

Being the fundamental mainspring of intelligent design in construction; the Magicrete wall panels furnish greater support to the structure. Magicrete’s precast boundary wall is flawless for all kinds of residential or commercial landscaping projects and constructing large retaining structures.

Resistance against Environmental Vulnerabilities; Eco-friendly

The precast technology is nature friendly having less impact on the external environment, reducing pollution considerably, and getting less affected by natural calamities as the concrete is cast at the manufacturing location. It poses no risk to the worksite as the products are made in the dedicated plant with less or no transportation of material to the work site; therefore ensuring the use of fewer resources.

Unlike the cast-in-situ scenario where people have to work outside under unwelcomed detrimental weather cycles such as flood damage, rain penetration, and debris accumulation trying to build a product; precast construction is carry upon by trained personnel inside a plant with automated techniques. Scientists have learned that precast concrete can withstand these natural calamities better than any other type of construction or building material. It can expand and contract at any time.

Magicrete’s precast box culvert construction produces less waste with precise manufacturing techniques.

By choosing Magicpod you opt for the most sustainable alternative to conventional brickwork as they are more energy-efficient and pollute less following the 3R – Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.

Magicrete has come forward with the trailblazing “Magic Swacch Toilets” solving the sanitation problems in most neglected areas, thereby, reducing the environmental pollution.

Time Saviour

In contrast to the cast-in-situ construction in which the concrete is poured in the situation, the major downside of which being the delay in the setup time while putting the reinforcements, laying formworks and the curing time as well; the precast technology potentially decreases the construction time by 70%. By the use of preinstalled and prefabricated products you aren’t only limited by the number of crane lifts but also installations time to install the precast panel. It expedites the construction process in a much secure way. Magicrete’s precast stormwater drain is best suited for expediting the construction with minimum wet concrete work on site.

An ideal measure for expediting the construction process to a huge extent is Magicrete’s Magicpod construction enhancing accuracy with skilled laborers.

Thermal Friendly

Are you also worry about a huge electricity bill all conjured up in an attempt to provide thermal comfort?

Then, Precast concrete is your ultimate solution and a sigh of bliss.

When you are not using the right materials, you are looking at a significantly increased cost all year long.

The high density of precast concrete doesn’t allow heat to move around your building thusly keeping the heat in during the cold months and out in the summer relative to external temperatures.

With Magicrete’s precast products, you’ll be able to meet large-scale infrastructure requirements such as unique weather and element demands. The strict requirement for thermal insulation can meet by the use of Magicrete’s precast wall panels. Magicrete’s Precast Floor slab provides you with a better thermal performance.

Fire Resilient

When it comes to safety, the right insulation on the walls and the ceilings against fire should be at the topmost priority in the list of prevention and protection against major damage.

The strength and uniformity of the precast concrete if constructed properly can curb a fire’s ability to spread between rooms with the right paneling.

Magicrete’s floor slabs and precast panels ensure protection against fire.

Sound Control

Let’s talk about the noise reduction ability of the precast concrete.

Precast concrete is well known to cut back the noise inside and out. Because of concrete’s high density, precast buildings absorb sound, making it an ideal choice for commercial and residential buildings.

Whenever and wherever privacy turns out to be a topic of concern for construction projects, Magicrete’s precast products such as floor slabs and wall panels are the most ideal ones.

Aesthetically Versatile

In order to look aesthetically pleasing and to stick out like a sore thumb, large constructions try to propound a sui generis look and feel.

Magicrete offers aesthetical versatility, as the precast products, in a customized way can be mold in any desirable form by putting into use various finishing techniques with several designs.

The dream of owning an ideal residence can now come true with the installation of Magicrete’s durable and aesthetically-pleasing precast products including the precast boundary wall, the customized staircases, precast columns, and beams, the precast wall panels with style in finish and pigmentation as desired.

Magicrete offers a variety of techniques for creating the perfect system to achieve the size and shape required by any type of building, the reason due to which these precast structures are glistening as you are limited only by your imagination.


When you go for precast concrete, the easy installation and speedy construction save the labor time to a huge extent, which in turn saves the labor cost as well.

With faster execution of projects, there lies a minimal risk of project lag time. According to recent research, the precast concrete in contrast with the in-situation pouring saves 23% on cost.

With the installation of the precast wall panels and precast boundary walls, Magicrete not only offers economy in the number of products used but also provides cost efficiency. There lies no need for separate stud framing and drywall costs.

The lower costs accompanied by shorter construction time can be achieved by the installation of Magicpod as it needs fewer workers to carry out various jobs simultaneously in a familiar and supervised plant.

Signal Connectivity

In today’s world, Wi-Fi or RF needs have become as essential as any other basic necessities for living. In order to meet these customer demands every industrial construction is getting more gravitated towards the precast panel installations.

Magicrete’s precast wall panel doesn’t block radio signals and facilitates a seamless network connection between your device and wireless networking in a simpler manner.

Resistance Against Chemicals and Rust

Precast concrete structures are less vitiated when exposed to rain and water. This resistance of the precast concrete against dampness intercepts the action of rust. These are also resistant to the damage caused by chemical exposures. Due to the high strength of the precast concrete, there is less impact on the overall structural integrity in our waterways.

Mustering up, the precast concrete has become a regular material for docks, overpasses, bridges, and more, keeping in mind the sole fact that the interlocked precast concrete blocks are unsusceptible to oil and fuel spills.

Lock Out Pests

The precast concrete density is a tremendous boost when it comes to keeping the pests out.

As precast concrete isn’t an organic building material such as wood. It doesn’t end up being a shelter to such nuisances caused by the pests like rats and termites, as well as humans. Which degrades our environment turning the location unsafe and misfit for construction.

Magicrete’s floor slabs are damp, rot, and vermin-proof.

Withstand Tough Jobs Day In Day Out

For years and years, without much hindrance, the precast concrete can excel in its strength when to withstand any significant wear and tear in everyday tasks while providing support to many important structures. It proves to be the big cheese when it comes to protecting the internal structure from any damage.

Safe Construction Platform and Large-Scale Infrastructure

Exigencies Are it a residential place or a commercial one, the installation of precast concrete will ensure double security due to its robust nature.

In today’s world, we can see a variety of menaces imposing on our land encompassing collateral damage, wars, damage from stray bullets, and other outcomes of manmade concerns. The precast concrete can keep away both the break-ins and break-outs while heading towards upscale construction.


Now, you may be able to perceive the statement that precast technology is going to lay a profound impact on futuristic building constructions. It can easily accomplish any of the above-stated large-scale construction demands, thus standing out to be the nonpareil construction element.

With that being said. Magicrete is a paragon of virtue that aims to provide you with the flexibility of design and comfort in shorter construction time by meeting the desirable modern infrastructure demands while having strict
control over the quality standards. Magicrete helps you cherish the vision of the revolutionized and developed India with the best-precast products in the market.

Then, what is stopping you from building the home of your dreams?

Choose the best-precast products manufactured by us and enjoy the long-span

durability, integrity, and aesthetically pleasing view of your building.

Aadil Ahmed

Aadil Bandi is a professional blogger and digital marketing consultant. He has a decade of experience writing digital marketing, business, real estate, technology, career, and home improvement content. He is based in Ahmedabad, but you can find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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