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10 Ways to Protect Your Child While They Are Online

Supervision is important for keeping children safe while they are online, but it does not guarantee that nothing bad will happen to them. It would be best to teach your child how to be safe when they go online and then monitor their activity afterward. Your child follows these simple rules, but you should still check to make sure that they are doing it right.

Here are ten ways to help protect your child’s personal information while they are connected to the Internet.

1) Don’t rely on passwords to protect your child’s privacy.

Passwords are important for protecting the confidentiality of information, but they do not guarantee that nothing bad will happen. They can be guessed or hacked by people with malicious intentions. However, if you teach your children how to use strong passwords and let them know which websites should never be shared with other people, then they will have an easier time protecting themselves online. At home, you may want to consider installing software that allows you to monitor your child’s activity, such as the “VIPole” app.

It encrypts all messages sent between family members, so there is no risk of others spying on their conversations. Your children can stay connected with their friends while on the go by using a VPN, but they may not be aware of how easy it is for them to divulge personal information about themselves. A key logger can help you protect your child from this threat.

2) Identify risks before your child uses the Internet.

Before allowing your child access to the Internet, make sure that they understand what type of information should never be shared with strangers online. Familiarize them with websites designed specifically for children, so they know which ones are safe and should be avoided. You can use tools such as “Net Nanny” or “Surf Watch” to monitor your child’s activity while surfing the web. For example, Net Nanny automatically blocks websites containing adult content and also enables you to monitor and restrict the websites your children visit.

3) Teach your child not to share personal information online

Teach your children that they should never provide personal information to strangers over the Internet. It includes their full name, address, telephone number, school name and location, family members’ names and locations, birth date, mother’s maiden name, passwords for email accounts and social media sites such as Face book or Twitter, bank account numbers, credit card numbers or any other personally identifiable information. At the same time, you should teach them how to recognize scams. You can use tools like “VIPole” to make communicating with other people easier for them. With it installed on their device, they will be able to chat with friends without disclosing their phone number or location.


4) Stay involved with your child’s online activities.

When children will give independence, it is important to stay involved in the choices they make. It allows you to understand which websites they visit, what information they share about themselves, and who they communicate with online. For example, if you install “Net Nanny” on your home computer, you can see which websites your children will visit, how many times these sites will access, and for how long. You can use this information to discuss safety precautions with them.

5) Install security programs on all devices that access the Internet

If possible, you should install security programs on all of your family members’ smart devices, whether smartphones, tablets, or personal computers. It is important because the software can help you protect your family against viruses, spam, phishing scams, spyware, or other threats. You can use this security software to monitor all exchanges between your children and their online contacts. For example, with VIPole installed on your child’s device, you will be able to see who they are talking to and what information they are sharing.

6) Take advantage of Internet safety resources.

Many resources can help parents protect their children while they use the Internet. For example, you can take advantage of websites dedicated to helping parents monitor their child’s activity online. There is also a wealth of information available in bookstores and libraries, as well as through schools. In addition, you can contact local government representatives. And members of law enforcement to ask about any online safety programs in your area. You may also be able to attend seminars or workshops designed exclusively to help parents protect their children from cyber-threats.


7) Remain vigilant for online dangers

Although you can teach your children how to protect themselves from cyber threats, they will still need your help. You should monitor their activities and remain aware of their online behavior. For example, if you notice that a particular website becomes frequented by more than one child in your neighborhood. It would be a good idea to find out whether this site is safe or not. If it’s a social networking site such as Facebook or Twitter. Try creating an account so that you can connect with your children and see what content they share on these sites. If it appears that this content could be dangerous in any way. Try talking to them about the posts and asking questions such as: “What do you think will happen when you post this information?” or “What do you think will happen if someone else gets access to your personal information?”

8) Keep computers in a common area.

The location of your computer or laptop is important. Although you should not allow your children to use the Internet unsupervised. It is also necessary that they have access to their electronic devices. If you don’t want them using your laptop when you’re away from home. Consider keeping one computer in a common area such as the living room or kitchen. This way, you can ensure that they are not sneaking around behind your back and misusing their devices in secret.

9) Ensure kids understand how information spreads online

Children need to understand what happens when they post something online. Because this helps them make better decisions about the types of photos or posts they share on social media sites. For instance, they should understand that once they share a photo with their friends. It could wind up in the hands of someone they don’t know, like a cyber-bully. It will help them think twice before sending anything online.

10) Be a good example of online etiquette.

Last but not least, you should set an example for your child by practicing safe Internet habits. For instance, when they watch how you use electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets, they will learn what information to post on social media profiles and websites. In addition, they will be able to recognize cyber-threats simply by watching how you interact with people online. Therefore, to protect children from dangerous content or interactions in cyberspace, parents need to make sure that they practice safe Internet behavior in the real world too.


These are just some of the ways that can help protect your children while they are online. For more information on how to monitor your child’s activity, talk to a cyber safety expert. If you know someone whose child has been harmed or involved in an inappropriate exchange. With another person over the Internet, please share this message with them.

Author Bio:

Sarah has been writing for a decade and now for the learn online Quran Website. She obtained her Master’s degree at the University of London. Her main objective is to write insightful content for those people who read and like it.

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